Anything and everything by renthal311 is definitely worth using, though be warned: Some files in his big pack, RHDS, are incompatible with SFO. There may be some conflicts between UGAG and SFO/EL/Verdant, but it shouldn't be anything major, and I'm not even certain if there are any actual issues it's been a while since I used UGAG.īeyond those, I also like a lot of specialized stuff. Then there's Unique Flowers and Plants, Unique Grasses and Groundcovers + the TK UGAG Plugin, and Hybrids HD Plants and Herbs. (According to the description Pfuscher's Upgrade and fix for TreesHD brings compatibility with SFO 2.0, though I don't know about 2.3 I haven't tried it myself.) Or if you can afford parallax, go with 4K Parallax Treebark, or maybe Pfuscher's 4K Tree and Parallax for Pines. You might prefer TreesHD or Lush Trees, but I'm not sure whether they're compatible with SFO and/or EL. I find it offers the best balance of performance and visual fidelity of any grass mod I've tried, and it can be used in conjunction with Enhanced Landscapes + Green Fields optional to get green tundra in Whiterun if you wish.įor tree retextures, I like CM Bark (optional file in NLA ENB). Personally, I use Verdant 2.x instead, with the author's recommended INI tweaks and optional smaller textures. Enhanced Landscapes comes with a grass module that's derived from the author's older standalone, Unbelievable Grass Two, which is pretty good. You could opt instead for Skysight Simply Bigger Trees, or Tamriel Reloaded HD, but for my money, SFO + EL is the best. You should also run DynDOLOD to ensure your LODs are accurate and complete. Choose your favorite optionals for Enhanced Landscapes - I like the Haafingar Oaks, Green Field, Solstheim, and Marsh No Trees add-ons.

First off, SFO 2.3 + Enhanced Landscapes is absolutely the way to go as a baseline.